1,882 research outputs found

    Towards the integration of user interface prototyping and model-based development

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    The main objective of this paper is to make a contribution in the automation of web applications’ development, starting from prototypes of their graphical user interfaces. Due to the exponential increase in the use of internet-based services and applications, there is an also increasing demand for Web designers and developers. At the same time, the proliferation of languages, frameworks and libraries illustrates the current state of immaturity of web development technologies. This state of affairs creates difficulties in the development and maintenance of Web applications. In this paper, we argue that integrating concepts of modelbased user interface development with the more traditional usercentred design approach to development can provide an answer to this situation. An approach is presented that allows designers to use prototyping tools, in this case Adobe XD, to design graphical interfaces, and then automatically converts them to (Vue.js + Bootstrap) code, thus creating a first version of the implementation for further development. This is done through the interpretation of the SVG file that Adobe XD exports.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UIDB/50014/2020

    IVY 2-A model-based analysis tool

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    The IVY workbench is a model-based tool that supports the formal verification of interactive computing systems. It adopts a plugin-based architecture to support a flexible development model. Over the years the chosen architectural solution revealed a number of limitations, resulting both from technological deprecation of some of the adopted solutions and a better understanding of the verification process to support. This paper presents the redesign and implementation of the original plugin infrastructure, originating a new version of the tool: IVY 2. It describes the limitations of the original solutions and the new architecture, which resorts to the Java module system in order to solve them.This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project: UID/EEA/50014/2019

    High assurance on cyber-physical interactive systems

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    Cyber-Physical Systems, as distributed systems of computational elements interacting with the physical world, are highly complex systems. They can, in many instances, be considered safety critical interactive systems, as errors in interaction can have disastrous consequences (consider the case of autonomous vehicles or integrated clinical environments). High assurance is, then, an underlying requirement, also at their user interface. In this position paper we identify five challenges to be solved both in the short and in the long term, regarding the modelling of (1) distributed and (2) heterogeneous interactive systems, (3) the analysis and relation between the different abstraction layers of Cyber-Physical Systems, (4) the modelling of real time/hybrid systems, and (5) the modelling of the dynamic nature of such systems. Solutions for these challenges are not presented, but possible directions are discussed.This work was financed by National Funds through the Portuguese fundingagency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project: UID/EEA/50014/201

    Systematic analysis of control panel interfaces using formal tools

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    The paper explores the role that formal modeling may play in aiding the visualization and implementation of usability requirements of a control panel. We propose that this form of analysis should become a systematic and routine aspect of the development Of Such interfaces. We use a notation for describing the interface that is convenient to use by software engineers, and describe a set of tools designed to make the process systematic and exhaustive.We acknowledge with thanks EPSRC grant EP/F01404X/1 and FCT/FEDER grant POSC/EIA/56646/2004. Michael Harrison is grateful to colleagues in the ReSIST NoE (www.resit-noe.org), Jose Campos to Nuno Sousa for work in IVY

    Formal verification of interactive computing systems: Opportunities and challenges

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    Formal verification has the potential to provide a level of evidence based assurance not possible by more traditional development approaches. For this potential to be fulfilled, its integration into existing practices must be achieved. Starting from this premise, the position paper discusses the opportunities created and the challenges faced by the use of formal verification in the analysis of critical interactive computing systems. Three main challenges are discussed: the accessibility of the modelling stage; support for expressing relevant properties; the need to provide analysis results that are comprehensible to a broad range of expertise including software, safety and human factors.This work is financed by the ERDF - European Regional Development Fundthrough the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 Programme and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016826

    Addressing interactive computing systems’ concerns in software engineering degrees

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    This paper arises from experience by the authors in teaching software engineering courses. It discusses the need for adequate coverage of Human-Computer Interaction topics in these courses and the challenges faced when addressing them. Three courses, at both licentiate and master’s levels, are used as triggers for the discussion. The paper argues that the lack of relevant Human-Computer Interaction concepts creates challenges when teaching and learning requirements analysis, design, and implementation of software systems. The approaches adopted to address these challenges are described

    HCI engineering: charting the way towards methods and tools for advanced interactive systems

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    This workshop intends to establish the basis of a roadmap addressing engineering challenges and emerging themes in HCI. Novel forms of interaction and new application domains involve aspects that are currently not sufficiently covered by existing methods and tools. The workshop will serve as a venue to bring together researchers and practitioners interested the Engineering of Human- Computer Interaction and in contributing to the definition of a roadmap for the field. The intention is to continue work on the roadmap in follow-up workshops as well as in the IFIP Working Group on User Interface Engineering.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A tabular editor for user interfaces modelling

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    The IVY workbench is a model-based tool for the automated analysis of interactive systems. Models are written in a domain specific language, MAL interactors, using a textual editor. This language has shown to be the main barrier for tool adoption by inexperienced users. We propose a new editor, which eases modelling, in order to lower the tool’s learning curve.Trabalho realizado no ambito do projecto “NORTE-01- ˆ 0145-FEDER-000016” financiado pelo Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE 2020), PORTUGAL 2020 e Uniao˜ Europeia, atraves do Fundo Europeu para o Desenvolvimento ´ Regional (FEDER).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MODUS: uma metodologia de prototipagem de interfaces baseada em modelos

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    A interface de utilizador é essencial para o sucesso de uma aplicação, ora a sua implementação requer tempo e esforço. Metodologias baseadas em modelos suportadas por uma geração automática têm sido propostas como solução para reduzir os custos de desenvolvimento. No entanto, um elevado nível de automação nestas abordagens requer o uso de modelos detalhados da interface, originando complicações. Por um lado, esta perspetiva é contrária a uma conceção baseada no progressivo refinamento de mockups, típica do desenvolvimento de interfaces. Por outro lado, obriga uma distinção entre os modelos utilizados na lógica de negócio e na interface. Este artigo propõe uma abordagem para gerar a interface de utilizador baseada diretamente em modelos estruturais da lógica de negócio. A identificação do domínio de aplicação é um factor chave da metodologia, permitindo automatizar o processo de geração. Por sua vez a separação entre conteúdo e forma favorece o refinamento iterativo das interfaces geradas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards a simulation-based medical education platform for PVSio-web

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    Interface design flaws are often at the root cause of use errors in medical devices. Medical incidents are seldom reported, thus hindering the understanding of the incident contributing factors. Moreover, when dealing with a use error, both novices and expert users often blame themselves for insufficient knowledge rather than acknowledge deficiencies in the device. Simulation-Based Medical Education (SBME) platforms can provide appropriate training to professionals, especially if the right incentives to keep training are in place. In this paper, we present a new SBME, particularly targeted at training interaction with medical devices such as ventilators and infusion pumps. Our SBME functions as a game mode of the PVSio-web, a graphical environment for design, evaluation, and simulation of interactive (human-computer) systems. An analytical evaluation of our current implementation is provided, by comparing the features on our SBME with a set of requirements for game-based medical simulators retrieved from the literature. By being developed in a free, open source platform, our SBME is highly accessible and can be easily adapted to specific use cases, such a specific hospital with a defined set of medical devices.Jose Campos work was supported by project "NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000016" financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Carlos Silva work was supported by grant no. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031943, co-financed by COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 programme, and supported by FEDER. The authors wish to thank Paolo Masci, developer of PVSio-web, for extensive support and input